Sunday 4 October 2015


Liposuction remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world but how much do you know about it?
This is how it works: a tumescent liquid is infused into the fat cells via small insertions made into the skin. A cannula is inserted and the fat cells are sucked out of the problem area, with fat either being disposed of or injected into other areas such as the buttocks, breasts or face to add volume.
Absolute Cosmetic Surgery’s medical director Glenn Murray says the actual time taken to perform the procedure depends on how many areas are being treated but generally can take from half an hour to three hours. Performed correctly, he says, usually only one treatment session is required, with patients either being treated in a specialist clinic under local anaesthetic or in hospital under general anaesthetic.
Typically, according to plastic surgeon Anh Nguyen, patients require between three and seven days off work depending on the extent of the treatment, with pressure garments worn for two to three months post-surgery. However, she says this depends on the individual, as well as the type of work they perform.
Assure Cosmetic Centre surgeon, Anthony Williams says although no major complications are expected if the procedure is performed correctly by an accredited trained surgeon, bruising and swelling are normal, with optimal results seen after two to three months.
“It can give the patient improved confidence, make them feel good about their body and how they wear clothing, which can be a very positive change,” he says.
The most popular areas targeted include the love handles for men and the tummy and thighs for women.
“I see a lot of women who come to me looking for a quick-fix solution for weight loss,” Dr Nguyen explains. “For patients who come to me wanting to have it all done as a quick fix to lose weight, I generally refer them to a dietitian, a personal trainer or a bariatric surgeon to talk about other possibilities and about improving their lifestyle first.”
For patients within a healthy weight range, with good exercise and diet habits, liposuction can be a great way to target fatty areas that just won’t go away regardless of how hard you try.
Dr Nguyen says those contemplating liposuction should fully investigate the costs associated with the procedure, which can include hospital, anaesthesia and surgery fees — none of which is eligible for a rebate due to its cosmetic nature.
“Often patients opt to have the procedure performed ‘in clinic’ with local anaesthetic to save money,” she says. “This is possible for certain areas but it is not always possible depending on the size of the area being treated.”